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What is a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Degree?
Master’s in Artificial Intelligence degrees in our rankings provide in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in artificial intelligence topics. With a few exceptions, most students in these programs have an undergraduate degree in computer science or a closely related field. Many also have work experience or at least a strong research interest in artificial intelligence or robotics.
To demonstrate mastery of artificial intelligence, students complete coursework in introductory and advanced artificial intelligence topics, algorithm design and analysis, and artificial intelligence learning methods such as natural language processing (NLP), deep learning, and reinforced learning. Students develop skills in creating and training agents to make decisions and perform on those decisions. Learned skills also include how machines interact with humans.
Industry-leading technology companies increasingly require master’s or PhD degrees in artificial intelligence for their more highly skilled—and therefore more highly compensated—positions. These positions may fall under job titles such as Principal or Senior Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, AI Architect, and Artificial Intelligence Research Scientist.
That’s why so many of the programs in our rankings are aimed at those with a computer science background. However, we’ve also highlighted a few degrees that are intended for beginners in the field who are seeking to improve their AI intelligence.
Types of Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Degrees
Universities do not have a standard title for Master’s in Artificial Intelligence programs. In the list of degrees within our rankings, there are MS and MEng computer science programs, MSAI programs, robotics programs, and even data science programs! Because of this, we recommend examining the curriculum carefully before you commit to a choice. There are important distinctions between each degree.
Traditional Master of Science in Computer Science: When artificial intelligence came along as a discipline, many universities decided to add it as a concentration to their research-focused Master of Science in Computer Science. As a student in a traditional MSCS, you will often be required to complete foundational “breadth” courses in all aspects of computer science before you specialize in AI topics. A number of MSCS programs require a master’s thesis; some will prepare you for a PhD. To help fund your studies, you may also have the opportunity to apply for teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and graduate fellowships.
Professional Master of Science in Computer Science: In time, universities recognized that a research-heavy MSCS may not be the best option for all of their students. So they developed a “professional” alternative for folks who were looking for an employment-friendly alternative. Examples of professional computer science programs in our rankings include the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Washington-Seattle. Distance learning degrees such as Georgia Tech’s Online OMSCS would also fall under this category. These programs may offer opportunities for part-time study and virtual learning. However, they are usually self-funded. That means you—or your employer—will be expected to pay for the degree.
Master of Engineering in Computer Science: At some universities, the professional alternative to the MSCS is called an MEng. UCLA and Cornell are good examples. For instance, unlike the MSCS and its thesis, Cornell’s self-funded, one-year Master of Engineering in Computer Science features a real-world industry project. It’s important to note that not all MEng programs deal with computer science! In our rankings, you’ll also spot MEng programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), robotics, and even product innovation. These will usually have more of a hands-on engineering focus.
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence: To keep pace with student demand, universities have now started to offer stand-alone master’s programs in AI. For examples, see the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, and Northeastern. Instead of schooling you in computer science, these programs will plunge you straight into AI coursework. They tend to be online. And they may allow you to customize your degree with unique artificial intelligence electives. Be sure to check the curriculum and talk to recent alumni before applying. Some MSAI programs have a beginner’s feel and can’t compare to the rigor of an MSCS; others will be more challenging.
Master of Science in Data Science: Under each school profile, we’ve listed any data science graduate programs that we felt were closely aligned with AI goals. The banner example is Berkeley’s Online MIDS. This provides a professional alternative to the university’s traditional MSCS/PhD pathway. Tread a little carefully with data science degrees. You don’t want to be stuck taking classes in analytics if you’re interested in advanced artificial intelligence applications. Having said that, there are plenty of programs in our rankings that cover both machine learning and data science.
Master’s Programs in Robotics and Autonomous Systems: For the engineers out there, we’ve also highlighted robotics programs and concentrations that intersect with artificial intelligence interests. Coursework for these degrees isn’t standardized, so make a note of which department or school is offering the program. A Master of Science in Robotics (MSR) from a College of Computer Science is going to have a different feel and focus than a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) in Robotics from a Department of Mechanical Engineering.
How to Find the Best AI Program For Your Needs
The best Master’s of Artificial Intelligence program for you will depend on several factors. You should consider not only the academic strength of the program but also how it fits into your goals for earning the degree. Ideal artificial intelligence programs in our rankings will offer the courses you want to take, at a price you can afford, and on a schedule that meets your needs.
For example, if you need to work full-time while completing the degree, your master’s program should allow for flexibility in the course delivery (e.g. asynchronous online delivery or evening classes). If you’re anxious to work with faculty who are conducting groundbreaking research in a specific field of artificial intelligence, the best master’s degree may be an on-campus MSCS that includes teaching & research assistantships and a mandatory thesis.
We recommend you avoid simply choosing the highest “ranked” program or making a hasty decision based on the university’s website. Each degree in our rankings has a unique flavor and purpose. Most successful master’s students do a lot of prep before applying. They visit the campus, chat to current students and alumni, reach out to AI faculty and labs, sit down with their employers, and/or speak to companies about what skills they are prioritizing in the job market. This is a major investment. Don’t be afraid to take your time!
Why are You Pursuing a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Degree?
Begin by laying out the skills you want to learn and the goals you want to accomplish by earning a Master’s of Artificial Intelligence. Do you really need a graduate qualification? Could you acquire these practical skill sets through work, graduate certificates, certifications, and/or online courses? In a field that’s moving as quickly as AI, you may find that employers are much more interested in real-world industry experience than a master’s degree.
But let’s say that you’re looking for an academic challenge, your ideal jobs are asking for a master’s degree, and your mentors or employer have strongly recommended graduate study. The next step is to establish if the master’s program aligns with your professional needs.
Checklist of Practical Considerations
Degree Title: Our section on Master’s in AI degree types will be able to help you narrow down the choices in our rankings, but it’s worth asking around for industry insights. There’s a lot of debate about whether an MSAI is seen as “less than” an MSCS in the job market. The answer may depend on your industry (e.g. MAANG vs. non-technical fields) and choice of university for the MSAI.
Coursework Expectations: The worst feeling is being trapped in a master’s degree that’s either too easy or too challenging for your level of expertise, especially when you’re paying for the privilege. If you can’t find detailed course descriptions listed on the program website, search for the degree in the university’s Graduate Catalog (published annually). We also suggest you ask the program coordinator for a class profile to learn if students have a similar background to yours.
Theory vs. Practice: Master’s degrees in artificial intelligence can have similar titles, but completely different approaches to research, theory, and practical applications. For example, students who have been through UT Austin’s Online MSAI say it’s particularly strong on theory. In contrast, UCLA’s MEng in Artificial Intelligence has electives in entrepreneurship and technical project management. Neither are better! It’s more about what you’d like to explore.
Faculty Expertise: Faculty profiles are usually listed somewhere on the program website. If not, there will be a faculty section in the website for the department or college (e.g. Department of Computer Science). What AI labs are they overseeing? What institutes do they belong to? What have they published recently? Are they supervising PhD students in artificial intelligence? Could you work with them on master’s projects?
Current AI Research: Under each profile in our rankings, we’ve provided a summary of the university’s artificial intelligence labs, institutes, and initiatives. It’s not an exhaustive list, but it should give you a leg up when comparing schools! Do a deep dive on initiatives that interest you and reach out to faculty members involved in the research. It’s worth noting that some university-affiliated institutes offer fellowships, internships, opportunities to work on their projects, and funding for study.
University Location: Geography matters. For instance, New York University and Columbia have stakes in FinTech and urban AI. The University of Michigan works closely on artificial intelligence initiatives with automotive companies. The University of Maryland has ties to the Department of Defense and the Army Research Laboratory. Berkeley is tight with Silicon Valley. Industry partnerships are often dictated by location.
Capstone vs. Thesis vs. Coursework-Only: Master’s programs in artificial intelligence often contain a “final project.” In the case of a research-focused MSCS, this may be a thesis. But you’ll also find plenty of degrees in our rankings that culminate in a project that’s centered on a real-world industry challenge. If you’re seeking work outside of research circles, an AI capstone might be an excellent addition to your résumé.
PhD Plans (or Not): Research-driven students sometimes like to use a master’s degree in artificial intelligence as a test run for a doctorate. If that sounds like you, talk to the program coordinator about your plans and look for degrees that give you the option to proceed to a PhD (e.g. Carnegie Mellon University’s Master of Science in Machine Learning). In the case of Berkeley’s MSCS or UT Austin’s MA in Computational Linguistics, the master’s degree is primarily available as preparation for the PhD.
STEM Designation: These are degrees that have been designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs. It’s an important qualification for international applicants—students on an F-1 Visa who complete a STEM-designated program are eligible for a 24-month extension to their Optional Practical Training (OPT). Almost all of the on-campus AI programs in our rankings are STEM-designated, but there are exceptions! When in doubt, ask the program coordinator to confirm.
Alumni Career Paths: Wherever and whenever possible, establish where alumni land after graduation. LinkedIn is your friend in this situation—most professionals list their degree and alma mater under their job description. Strong universities also conduct regular alumni surveys and post results.
Delivery Format
Once you’ve run through the practical considerations, the next big choice is the format of the program. In our rankings, you’ll find on-campus degrees, hybrid degrees with a mixture of online learning and in-person classes, and 100% online degrees with no campus visits required. There are pros and cons to each choice.
- On-Campus: On-campus master’s degrees in artificial intelligence will give you opportunities to work closely with faculty and within research labs. You can take advantage of the university’s technical facilities (e.g. Georgia Tech’s AI supercomputer for students), drop by your professor’s office, and attend AI symposiums & networking events. In addition, on-campus programs frequently have more advanced electives and concentrations than online programs. There is no better option for building a network of like-minded colleagues.
- Online: Online master’s degrees in artificial intelligence are typically much more convenient and flexible than on-campus offerings. You’ll often be able to opt for a full-time or part-time plan of study. You can take advantage of asynchronous “learn on your own time” coursework and lectures or virtual “real time” synchronous classes in the evenings. And you won’t be paying for commuting costs or taking a lot of time off work. Just watch out for universities that staff their online programs with inexperienced adjunct professors—they’re not worth the investment.
If you are thinking of distance learning, talk to recent alumni and do your homework. Many of the online master’s degrees in our rankings are generalist programs that cover the gamut of artificial intelligence topics. But others slant toward unusual areas. For example, Northeastern’s Online MPS in Applied Machine Intelligence is interested in how AI can be applied to specific industries (e.g. healthcare).
We particularly favor online programs that foster a sense of community. For instance, Georgia Tech’s Online MSCS features all kinds of benefits for learners, including local meetups, an annual hybrid conference, and virtual coffee hours. And UW Seattle’s Online MS in AI and ML for Engineering for working engineers builds synchronous elements into the curriculum. Anyone who feels frustrated by the impersonal structure of online learning should be searching for programs with elements like these.
Costs of Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Programs
Another important consideration is the cost of the degree. Tuition for master’s programs in artificial intelligence can range from ~$10,000 for UT Austin’s online program to $80,000 or more at private universities. Although many engineers that work in artificial intelligence who have master’s degrees earn over $100,000 per year, not all manage to land a job paying that well.
When you consider how you will cover tuition, try not to rely on future income. Instead, be realistic about how you will pay, whether it is loans, working while taking classes, or otherwise. There are a few highly competitive MSCS programs that will completely cover tuition costs (e.g. Cornell), but most research-oriented MSCS students end up vying for teaching & research assistantships and graduate fellowships.
Professional master’s programs and work-friendly online offerings will almost always be “self-funded.” That means you will have to pay for the degree. There are companies and employers who will help with tuition reimbursement or assistance, but you should find out what the stipulations are. Some companies will expect you to commit to 1-2 years of employment in return for their help.
25 Best Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Degree Programs
The following list reviews 25 excellent schools with Master’s in Artificial Intelligence programs. We highlight the academic programs offered and what makes each of them great AI schools. Review the list and decide which option is best for you!
1University of California-Berkeley – Berkeley, CA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Master of Science (MS) in Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (EECS) – Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (CVAI)
- Master of Engineering (MEng) in Data Science
- Online Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS)
- Master of Engineering (MEng) in Robotics and Embedded Software
- Master of Engineering (MEng) in Robotic and Autonomous Systems
Program Summary
The most important thing to note about Berkeley’s two-year Master of Science programs is that they’re typically designed to augment or lead to a PhD. Very few students are admitted to a MS-only program; most successful applicants are enrolled in a MS/PhD pathway. If you are ready for that destiny, you can’t do any better than the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences (EECS). Artificial intelligence students in the MSCS and MS in EECS will have the opportunity to collaborate with faculty in multiple research centers & labs, including the famous Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Lab (BAIR).
The Department’s professional alternative to the MS is the Master of Engineering (MEng). Although there is no dedicated concentration in AI for this terminal degree, there are opportunities to specialize in data science and robotics and embedded software. (Mechanical engineers will have more room to play with the MEng in Robotic and Autonomous Systems from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.) Because of this, many virtual learners end up applying for the Online Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) from the School of Information. You’ll be able to participate in live weekly Zoom classes, take part in an immersion experience, and tackle a capstone project.
What Makes UC Berkeley a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Research opportunities. Along with Carnegie Mellon and Stanford, the University of California Berkeley is known for having a world-class reputation in artificial intelligence research. In addition to the work being done within BAIR, there are scores of initiatives in human compatible AI, robotics & ML, enhanced reality (e.g. VR and AR)—the list never ends. Berkeley was the first university to offer an advanced law degree with a specific AI focus. It has strategic partnerships with many Silicon Valley corporations (be sure to check out the sponsors of the Sky Computing Lab). And, in March 2024, it launched a new AI-focused Center for Healthcare Marketplace Innovation (CHMI), led by the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society and the Haas School of Business. In terms of name recognition, it’s one of the best of the best.
2Stanford University – Stanford, CA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
Program Summary
Stanford Engineering keeps it simple. Artificial intelligence students have an easy choice between the full-time MSCS and the Online MSCS through the Honors Co-op Program (HCP). The on-campus version takes ~1.5 years to complete and features the standard assortment of foundation, breadth, depth, and elective credits in AI. You’ll be able to apply for Course Assistantship (CA) and Research Assistantship (RA) positions and pursue an optional distinction in research. In contrast, the 100% online version of the MSCS in AI is available in a full-time format (1-2 years) or a part-time format (3-5 years). One important qualification—you must reside in the United States to apply.
Those are the technical programs. But we were also intrigued to discover that the School of Humanities and Sciences and the Center for the Study of Language and Information have developed a research-focused Master of Science (MS) in Symbolic Systems. It’s a fascinating pick for anyone exploring high-level theoretical questions around language, information, and artificial intelligence. See the degree requirements for examples of course titles.
Note: Virtual learners can start small by enrolling in Stanford Engineering’s Online Artificial Intelligence Graduate Certificate. Credits can be applied toward the MSCS.
What Makes Stanford a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
We’re tempted to say “because it’s Stanford,” but that’s doing the university a disservice! The internationally renowned Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAIL) has been in existence since 1963, and it provides students with unique opportunities to participate in substantial research. Industry affiliates such as Google, Accenture, and UST Global sponsor projects and partner with faculty and students on current problems in artificial intelligence. Toyota even has an entire center devoted to the study of intelligent vehicles—the SAIL-Toyota Center for AI Research. What’s more, an enormous amount of work is being done to improve the human condition at the interdisciplinary Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI). For news on the university’s latest research developments, visit the Stanford Report’s section on Artificial Intelligence and HAI’s annual AI Index Report.
3Carnegie Mellon University – Pittsburgh, PA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Machine Learning (MSML)
- Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Innovation (MSAII)
- Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems (MIIS)
- Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Engineering (MS-AIE)
- Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Systems Management (AIM)
- Master of Science in Robotics (MSR)
Program Summary
Anyone interested in the intersection of AI and start-ups should investigate the MSAII from the School of Computer Science. In the first year, you’ll have the opportunity to explore future markets, AI law, and engineering (e.g. AI integration with legacy systems). In the second, you’ll collaborate with a team on a sponsored capstone project. Prefer something more research-focused? The School offers a highly regarded MSML, with the option to proceed to a PhD, and a practice-based MIIS from the Language Technologies Institute that features concentrations in Human Language, Machine Learning, and Language Technology Applications.
And it just keeps getting better. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) professionals will be happy to hear that the College of Engineering has developed an efficient, three-semester MS-AIE for those who are seeking to design and build AI-orchestrated systems. Successful graduates are eligible to apply to the PhD program. In October 2024, the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy also announced the launch of its new AIM program for less technical folks who wish to become AI specialists within their chosen industry.
What Makes CMU a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Ask any expert to name the best school for AI and Carnegie Mellon is invariably going to be in their top three choices. The School of Computer Science created the world’s first machine learning (ML) academic department in 2006 and it’s advancing leaps & bounds in AI research. In addition to running institutes in robotics, language technologies, and human-computer interaction, it has scores of projects on the boil with industry & government partners (including DARPA and NIST). We were particularly intrigued by its work in healthcare. CMU is expensive, but there are those who would argue that the name recognition and capstone project opportunities more than justify the cost. Alumni are earning in the range of $138,781 per annum one year after graduation.
4Georgia Institute of Technology – Atlanta, GA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Artificial Intelligence
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Machine Learning
- Online Master of Science in Computer Science (OMSCS) – Artificial Intelligence
- Online Master of Science in Computer Science (OMSCS) – Machine Learning
- Master of Science (MS) in Robotics
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Computational Perception & Robotics
- Online Master of Science in Computer Science (OMSCS) – Computational Perception & Robotics
Program Summary
Georgia Tech is kind enough to offer its versatile MSCS in an on-campus version and an online version. Both have a number of artificial intelligence specializations. The traditional MSCS is a highly selective terminal degree program that comes in three formats: coursework-only, capstone project, and research thesis. It’s very easy to customize a specialization to suit your professional area of interest. For instance, in the Artificial Intelligence track, you only have to take one course in algorithms & design before exploring artificial intelligence credits and electives in methods, interactions, and cognition.
The Online MSCS is almost exactly the same, but coursework is asynchronous (learn-on-your-own-time) and may be more limited than the on-campus program. See the curriculum list under each specialization. Available courses will be highlighted in bold. Unlike many asynchronous degrees, the OMSCS program does a stellar job of encouraging collaboration through local meet-ups, a hybrid conference, project showcases, virtual coffee hours, and more. Browse through the faculty profiles and read the FAQs for a comprehensive sense of the experience. 10,000+ students have already been through the program, so there will be plenty of alumni if you’re seeking additional advice.
What Makes Georgia Tech a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Industry recognition, intellectual rigor, and the real-world applicability of its AI coursework. These are the reasons why we’d recommend that the Georgia Institute of Technology appears on your shortlist of artificial intelligence graduate programs. Tech AI, the AI Hub at Georgia Tech can provide you with a broad overview of AI efforts across schools and departments, but more technical information on labs and institutes is available through the School of Interactive Computing’s section on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning and the School of Computational Science and Engineering’s summary of AI & ML engineering research. It’s a particularly exciting choice if you’re willing to live in Atlanta. In April 2024, Nvidia and Georgia Tech announced that they would provide the first AI supercomputer for students.
5University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – Champaign, IL
Artificial Intelligence Programs
Program Summary
The Siebel School of Computing and Data Science’s flagship program for professionals is the Master of Computer Science (MCS), which is available in Chicago, Urbana-Champaign, and online. If you’re working, you can opt for part-time study. This affordable master’s is open to anyone with an undergraduate degree in computer science or those with commensurate experience & coursework. It’s not wholeheartedly devoted to artificial intelligence, but there’s room in the advanced coursework and electives to focus on AI topics (e.g. Deep Learning for Healthcare). Talk to the program coordinator and recent alumni about your career goals before you make a decision—on-campus versions will have more course choices than the online program.
Eyeing a doctorate? UIUC offers a more rigorous research-focused MS in CS with a mandatory thesis. This path should also give you an opportunity to apply for research and teaching assistantships. The program must be completed within five semesters and credits can be counted towards the PhD in Computer Science. Meanwhile, over at the Center for Autonomy, you’ll find the professional MEng in Autonomy & Robotics. We’ve highlighted this avenue because of the coursework in algorithm design and ML, the option to select electives in AI and perception, and the inclusion of a capstone project or professional practicum. It’s a strong program for those who are currently employed in the field.
What Makes UIUC a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Price may be a factor in your decision! In 2025, the online MCS with asynchronous coursework was under $30,000, even for non-residents and international students. That’s half the cost of some of the other virtual programs in our rankings. Networking is another major plus. On-campus MCS students can attend the Siebel School’s Speaker Series and get involved with faculty projects and artificial intelligence research. Since 1986, the university’s National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) has been pumping funding into technical discoveries and collaborating with useful industry partners. In particular, see the NCSA’s Center for Artificial Intelligence Innovation and the Deep Learning Major Research Instrument Project. We’ve already mentioned the Center for Autonomy, but robotics students can also investigate the labs within the Illinois Robotics Group.
6University of Washington – Seattle, WA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Professional Master’s Program (PMP) Master of Science in Computer Science & Engineering (MSCS)
- Master of Science in Information Management (MSIM) – Artificial Intelligence
- Professional Master’s Program (PMP) Online Master of Science (MS) in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Engineering
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) in Controls, Mechatronics & Robotics
- Online Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) in Controls, Mechatronics & Robotics
- Master of Science (MS) in Computational Linguistics
- Online Master of Science (MS) in Computational Linguistics
Program Summary
The College of Engineering has created a set of professional master’s programs (PMPs) that are designed for working folks who would like to maintain their job while they study. Those with a computer background should investigate the part-time MSCS with evening classes. Core coursework often encompasses NLP, ML, HCI & AI applications and students tend to be employed by industry leaders such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Boeing. If you need a basic primer on AI, your best bet will be the MSIM from the Information School. It’s open to applicants with a bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
Working on the physical side of engineering? A PMP pathway is also available for mechanical & chemical engineers who would like to apply AI and ML methods to work in areas such as manufacturing, robotics, and chemical processes. The Online MS in AI and ML for Engineering is built on a stackable model—you’ll earn two industry-focused graduate certificates before embarking on your capstone project. And faculty are nothing less than brilliant. We’ve also featured specialist degrees in our list of offerings in case you’re focused on robotics or computational linguistics.
What Makes UW a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Given its history and location, artificial intelligence is an extremely popular research area for the University of Washington. It’s so big that the Allen School has had to divide its AI work into sub-topics. The School regularly collaborates with the Allen Institute for AI and Big Tech companies (see the 2024 announcement on its partnership with Amazon, NVIDIA, and the University of Tsukuba). And its College of Engineering is actively funding AI institutes & centers in dynamic systems, robotics, and neurotechnology. Investigate the current course offerings and speak to the program coordinator if you have any questions about the relevance of the MSCS degree. It’s not as AI-focused as other options in our rankings, but it does come with serious networking opportunities and earnings potential.
7Cornell University – Ithaca, NY
Artificial Intelligence Programs
Program Summary
For candidates with a computer science background, Cornell offers the classic choice between a professionally focused MEng and a research-focused MS. In both cases, you have the flexibility to customize the coursework to suit your interests in artificial intelligence. The two-semester MEng has the added benefit of being remarkably efficient and focused on practical concerns. It features a mandatory MEng project with opportunities to work on industry AI challenges or faculty research initiatives, as well as entrepreneurial electives for those who are interested in startups. Approximately 100 students are admitted each year.
On the other side of the divide is the traditional two-year MS in CS. This super-selective program is designed for master’s students who love artificial intelligence research and are willing to serve as full-time teaching assistants (TAs) throughout the program. Tuition is fully covered and all MS students receive health insurance and a stipend to cover living expenses. Instead of a final project, you’ll write a master’s thesis. Cornell undergraduates receive a strong preference for graduate admissions, so be ready to face some stiff competition; Cornell only accepts 10-15 MS in CS students per year.
Note: New York City residents in search of convenience may wish to investigate the part-time MEng in CS from Cornell Tech.
What Makes Cornell a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Small but mighty is how we’d classify Cornell in the world of artificial intelligence. The Department of Computer Science has been involved in AI research since the early 1990s, and CS faculty have a hand in a large assortment of AI labs, groups, and institutes. In particular, pay attention to what’s happening in the realms of machine learning and NLP. We also want to highlight the interdisciplinary AI research that the Bowers College of Computing and Information Science (CIS) is doing with Cornell Tech and other government & university partners. The Institute of Artificial Intelligence for Digital Health with Weill Cornell Medicine and the Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture (CIDA) are two examples of such initiatives—there are many more!
8University of Michigan-Ann Arbor – Ann Arbor, MI
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Master of Engineering (MEng) in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) – Data Science and Machine Learning
- Master of Engineering (MEng) in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) – Autonomous Systems
- Master of Science (MS) in Robotics
Program Summary
Seeking to build your own AI graduate degree? The MS in CSE from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor offers an excellent solution. This 30-credit program includes a breadth course, which can be in artificial intelligence, as well as a slew of technical credits in ML, NLP, robotics, and HCI. Skim through the list of courses that satisfy the MS degree requirements and visit the link to the Program Guide to learn if you’d like to opt to complete a thesis under the guidance of a Michigan faculty member. As an additional bonus, MS in CSE students are eligible to apply to the doctoral program.
Working on applying computational techniques to engineering projects? The more relevant option may be Michigan’s MEng in ECE with a concentration in DS/ML or autonomous systems. This one-year degree is designed to be a practical program, with coursework in “soft” areas like project management and entrepreneurship and an optional summer internship. We recommend comparing the curriculum for the concentration in autonomous systems with the MS in Robotics from Michigan Robotics. The MS is much more focused on actual robots than the MEng, which covers topics like independent engineering systems.
What Makes Michigan a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Start with CSE’s section on artificial intelligence research and the outstanding work of its faculty members (it’s worth noting that there are a large number of AI women professors at Michigan). CSE supports a dedicated Artificial Intelligence Laboratory with 90 AI PhD students, organizes frequent events & symposiums, and generates $6.5 million in annual research expenditures. Because of Michigan’s vested interest in automotive technologies, we weren’t surprised to see Ford, the Toyota Research Institute, and Forvia Hella in the lab’s list of industrial partners. As a graduate student, you can also get involved in work at the Michigan Institute for Data & AI in Society (MIDAS)—see the list of funded projects for more on research efforts. Or you could consider commercializing your discoveries. A number of CSE projects, including AI initiatives, have lead to startups through U-M’s Innovation Partnerships office.
9Columbia University in the City of New York – New York, NY
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Personalized Track
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Machine Learning
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Natural Language Processing
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Vision, Graphics, Interaction, Robotics
- Online Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Machine Learning
- Online Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Natural Language Processing
- Online Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Vision, Graphics, Interaction, Robotics
Program Summary
The most relevant program at Columbia University is the MSCS, which is available in an on-campus or online format through the Columbia Video Network (CVN). We’ve highlighted the ML and NLP majors, though robotics students may wish to investigate the Vision, Graphics, Interaction, Robotics pathway. You could even develop a personalized track. Visit the links to investigate AI coursework opportunities. In addition to machine learning fundamentals, neural networks & deep learning, and unsupervised learning, the ML track has oodles of elective options. The NLP track also features some intriguing electrical engineering and psychology courses (e.g. models of cognition).
Unable to study in New York City? To learn more about the pros & cons of going virtual, sign up for a CVN virtual information session and read the FAQs. There are plenty of opinions on Reddit threads, but we recommend you speak to recent MSCS alumni to get a sense of their experience. You’ll usually have the option to watch lectures live or the recorded version later. You may also wish to ask the program coordinator if all MSCS electives will be available to CVN students (some may only be on-campus) and whether CVN students are able to get involved in summer research projects and/or tackle an MSCS thesis. Keep in mind, too, that Columbia Engineering offers a part-time Online Artificial Intelligence Certificate Program.
What Makes Columbia University a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
The Department of Computer Science is packed with faculty who have AI and Machine Learning research interests, but Artificial intelligence & computation engineering is also a strategic area of research for Columbia’s School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS). The School is home to unique initiatives like the NSF-funded AI Institute for Artificial and Natural Intelligence (ARNI) and the Center of AI Technology (CAIT), a joint project with Amazon and 70+ faculty members. Courtesy of its location in NYC, Columbia is also a strong pick for those who are interested in financial applications. SEAS runs a dedicated Center for AI in Business Analytics and Financial Technology (FinTech) with a number of career-relevant partners (e.g. J.P. Morgan). And in March 2024, Columbia announced a partnership with Capital One to create the Center for AI and Responsible Financial Innovation (CAIRFI).
10University of Texas at Austin – Austin, TX
Artificial Intelligence Programs
Program Summary
UT Austin has become a top destination for artificial intelligence students for obvious reasons. Not only does it currently offer multiple graduate degree programs in computer science, robotics, computational linguistics, but it also launched an affordable Online MSAI with asynchronous coursework in 2024. For $10,000 + fees, you can earn an artificial intelligence degree that’s almost entirely built to your specifications. The only required course is Ethics in AI; the remaining nine courses are AI electives. There are foundational credits (e.g. ML) as well as more advanced topics. However, there’s no final capstone project.
The online degree isn’t going to work for everyone. If you’re pursuing a research path, ask the program coordinator how you can customize the on-campus MSCS to match your specific interests in artificial intelligence. The degree is available in a coursework or thesis pathway. We’ve also listed the MA in Computational Linguistics, but it’s important to note that UT Austin typically grants this degree as preparation for a PhD. If you wish to earn it separately—without the doctorate—you probably won’t be eligible for funding.
What Makes UT Austin a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Intellectual rigor is a key factor. UT Austin is known for having high technical standards and deep pockets for research funding. The Department of Computer Science is home to 15+ labs, institutes, and research groups in AI and robotics, including the granddaddy of them all, the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence. See the Artificial Intelligence Research section for details on projects and faculty members, including the NSF-funded TRIPODS and Texas Robotics. Then head on over to the Machine Learning Laboratory to learn more about initiatives such as the National AI Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning (IFML) and the Center for Generative AI. You should have no trouble finding opportunities to expand your career horizons. For more perspectives on the Online MSAI, check out Reddit and Discord groups. Folks say it’s more challenging and heavier on theory than some of the other virtual programs in our rankings.
11University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, PA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Engineering in Computer and Information Science (CIS/MSE) – Artificial Intelligence
- Online Master of Science in Engineering in Artificial Intelligence (MSE-AI)
- Master of Science in Engineering in Robotics (ROBO) – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Master of Science in Design – Robotics and Autonomous Systems (MSD-RAS)
Program Summary
At the University of Pennsylvania, the most convenient option is the Online MSE-AI, which is open to applicants with a computer science or computer engineering background. Thanks to its asynchronous coursework, you can work while you earn your degree. It’s a technical “soup to nuts” program that contains fundamentals in AI, NLP, and data science, as well as a choice of electives (e.g. AI Practicum, Networked Systems, etc.). Folks who are seeking a more traditional route with a master’s thesis will want to consider the on-campus CIS/MSE program with an optional AI concentration. You’ll be able to dive quite deep into topics.
Or you could opt to focus on robotic systems. UPenn’s General Robotics, Automation, Sensing, and Perception (GRASP) lab has developed a unique and interdisciplinary ROBO graduate program with the opportunity to customize coursework in AI and ML topics. The program is on the smaller side, with only about 200 students and 19 faculty members, and students are encouraged to participate in GRASP research projects and internships. Students have access to high-tech facilities with extensive robotics equipment for these experiences.
What Makes UPenn a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
UPenn gives an outstanding return on investment. Perhaps because of its status as an Ivy League School, graduates are earning in excess of $160,000 per annum after 2-3 years in the market. We’ve already cited the robotics work at the GRASP lab, but it’s worth stating that Wharton is exploring the business end of AI and Penn Engineering is supporting CIS research in ML, NLP, HCI, algorithmic fairness, and AI healthcare. See the section on highlighted CIS projects and the ASSET Center for AI-Enabled Systems for more on these efforts. We were also intrigued to discover that the PhD program includes a dedicated concentration in Machine Learning + X, where X is a specialization that intersects with ML.
12University of California-San Diego – San Diego, CA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
Program Summary
At the University of California San Diego, the banner program for AI is the research-focused MSCS. Visit the links for the degree plans and you’ll see that artificial intelligence is included as a concentration, with credits in areas such as unsupervised learning, deep generative models, ML for robotics, statistical NLP, and a whole lot more. You can customize your degree plan even further with electives and a thesis or research projects.
We’ve also highlighted two similar on-campus options within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, but it’s important to point out that selection for CS and ECE programs is very competitive. The word “Impacted” means that there is a cap on the number of students admitted.
What Makes UC San Diego a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
UC San Diego has been making some intriguing moves in AI. In July 2024, it announced the formation of a new School of Computing, Information and Data Sciences (SCIDS), which draws on expertise from the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and the Halicioğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI). That’s one of the reasons why we included the ECE program in Machine Learning & Data Science in our degree listings. HDSI has a substantial track record in AI/ML research, including work with well-known government and industry partners (e.g. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Deloitte, Intel, etc.). Robotics folks may also be interested to hear that HDSI is a partner in the NSF-funded The Institute for Learning-Enabled Optimization at Scale (TILOS), which is engaged in transforming chip design, robotics, and communication networks through learning-enabled optimizations.
13University of California-Los Angeles – Los Angeles, CA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
Program Summary
UCLA’s professional MEng in Artificial Intelligence is expressly designed to combine the latest research with real-world applications. You’ll notice that the electives focus on areas such as entrepreneurship, leadership, and technical project management. This on-campus degree takes just one year to complete and culminates with a summer capstone project. The program is led by Professor Guy Van den Broeck, who also directs the Statistical and Relational Artificial Intelligence (StarAI) Lab. The lab has published on topics like probabilistic circuits, adaptable logical control for large language models, and AI in general. Robotics students can investigate the similarly structured MEng in Autonomous Systems under the direction of Professor T.C. Tsao.
Prefer something with more of a theoretical flavor? Consider customizing the two-year, research-based MSCS with artificial intelligence credits. It’s more selective than the Master of Engineering program—there were 150 offers for the MSCS vs. 220 offers for the MEng in 2022—but it allows you to choose either a thesis or a capstone for your final project. The Registrar’s Office has a full list of COM SCI graduate courses with some unusual offerings in the realms of ML, including work in genetics and computational genomics.
What Makes UCLA a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Like many major universities, artificial intelligence initiatives are spread across multiple schools and departments at UCLA. Faculty within the Department of Computer Science are busy spearheading projects & labs (e.g. UCLA Artificial General Intelligence Lab), but so too are researchers within the Schools of Engineering and Medicine (e.g. Biomedical AI Research Lab) and the School of Law (e.g. Institute for Technology, Law & Policy). Even UCLA Health is intensely active in the AI space. (As a side note, health professionals should also consider the Master of Data Science in Health, with training in ML, AI, and big data computing.) The key area in which UCLA outperforms all of the other schools in our rankings is earning potential. After 2-3 years of being in the job market, graduates are earning in excess of $179,000 per annum.
14University of Southern California – Los Angeles, CA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Artificial Intelligence
- Master of Science (MS) in Applied Data Science
- Online Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)
- Online Master of Science (MS) in Applied Data Science
- Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS in ECE) – Machine Learning and Data Science
Program Summary
USC has gone the extra step and developed an on-campus MSCS in AI. That means you won’t be required to complete “breadth” credits in other computer science topics. Instead, you’ll be able to dive straight into foundational & theoretical courses in AI, deep learning, ML, analysis of algorithms, and web technologies. After that, you have the freedom to select three electives, including a course in computer or robotics. If you’re anxious to tackle a master’s thesis and weighing a PhD, consider personalizing the general MSCS with 500-level CSCI courses in AI topics. (The online version of this MSCS is open to professional engineers.)
Or you can look to AI’s academic cousin. Many of USC’s data science master’s programs are available in on-campus and online formats through DEN@Viterbi. And once you reach the elective stage, there’s a lot of crossover with the MSCS in AI. Take a look at the MS in Applied Data Science for comparison. For the engineers among our readers, we’ve also highlighted the MS in ECE – ML and Data Science, which is only available on-campus. You’ll have opportunities to select credits in areas such as ML, deep learning systems, applied NLP, computational intelligence & neural learning, and more.
What Makes USC a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
USC is expensive, but it may be ideal if your interests align with USC Viterbi’s innumerable research centers & institutes. From the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society (CAIS) to the Center of Machine Learning (MaSCle), Viterbi is a treasure trove of research opportunities. In 2023, the university also announced a $1 billion investment in AI initiatives called Frontiers of Computing. Take a second to explore the artificial intelligence work within the Information Sciences Institute (ISI) and the exploration of virtual humans in the Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT). Folks who have been through the MS programs say: “prepare!” Establish what areas of AI you want to specialize in, garner some experience, reach out to relevant labs & faculty members before interviews, and expect big class sizes. USC isn’t going to hold your hand. We also recommend speaking to a student ambassador and contacting recent graduates. USC has a superb alumni network.
15Johns Hopkins University – Baltimore, MD
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Computer Science
- Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Computer Science – Human Language Technology
- Online Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Artificial Intelligence
- Online Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (MSAI)
- Master of Science (MS) in Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence for Business
- Hybrid Master of Science (MS) in Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence for Business
- Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) – Robotics, Systems Modeling, Dynamics, and Control
Program Summary
The only difficulty you’ll have with JHU is narrowing down the selection! On the research side of things is the full-time, residential MSE in Computer Science with the option to choose approved credits in artificial intelligence coursework (e.g. advanced machine learning) or a concentration in Human Language Technology (HLT). The HLT pathway is jointly administered with the Center for Language and Speech Processing (CLSP) and includes even more opportunities to specialize (e.g. automatic speech recognition). If you can’t afford the time for the on-campus program, the alternative is the Online MSCS with a focus area in AI and a capstone project. You’ll have the chance to pick courses in either foundational or advanced artificial intelligence topics. Take a look at MSCS student publications & presentations to see how fellow students are applying their research.
Or you can simply charge straight at the topic by applying for the Online MSAI. Unlike other universities, JHU will admit students lacking certain prerequisite courses on a provisional basis and allow them to take the classes to prepare for the program. Examine the course list to learn if it suits your level of expertise. After four foundational courses, there are scores of advanced AI electives on offer (e.g. evolutionary and swarm intelligence, deep neural networks, etc.), as well as courses on the engineering side (e.g. building & training LLMs, UAV systems & control, etc.). Prefer something with a corporate edge? Investigate the MS in Information Systems and AI for Business from the Carey Business School, which is also offered in a part-time, hybrid format.
What Makes Johns Hopkins a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
There’s a reason we’ve highlighted the “building & developing” credits in the MSAI. The best asset you’ll have at JHU is the Whiting School of Engineering, which oversees most of the programs in our list. It supports a dedicated Data Science and AI Institute that is collaborating on projects with the School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health, and School of Government and Policy. View the institute’s list of AI-related centers & institutes for the full spectrum of AI research possibilities—including the groundbreaking NLP work at the CLSP and the AI2AI – JHU + Amazon Initiative—then head on over to the Institute for Assured Autonomy (IAA) and the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) to learn about JHU’s work in AI, ML and Autonomy and robotics. For the health-minded among our readers, we also wanted to flag JHU’s highly ranked & regarded MS in Bioinformatics.
16University of Wisconsin-Madison – Madison, WI
Artificial Intelligence Programs
Program Summary
UW-Madison has the classic set-up between a traditional, two-year MS in Computer Science, which is founded on research, and a more flexible professional program for folks in the field. Both offer opportunities to specialize in artificial intelligence focus areas, but the CS MS comes with funding opportunities in the form of teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and graduate fellowships. As a traditional CS MS student, you’ll be expected to select a thesis or project report for your final course. And you’ll be encouraged to apply for internships. Previous students have worked for companies such as PayPal, Amazon, Google, Fetch, Roku, Qualcomm, and the like.
In contrast, the on-campus PMP is a self-funded degree. You will still have the option to tackle a thesis or project report, but you may wish to stick with coursework-only. The graduate guide has all the details on degree requirements and a list of current computer science courses, including some intriguing credits in the realm of bioinformatics. We reference this because UW-Madison operates a Computation and Informatics in Biology and Medicine (CIBM) training program. However, you always can stick to more conventional realms like ML and deep learning. For the electrical engineers out there, we’ve also listed the graduate program in MLSP (e.g. data science, signal processing, artificial neural networks, etc.).
What Makes UW-Madison a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
UW-Madison doesn’t offer any online graduate programs in artificial intelligence, so we’re recommending it for folks who want to get down on the ground and collaborate with faculty in the School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences (CDIS). That includes those working in the N+1 Institute and contributing to NSF-funded initiatives in artificial intelligence. Under the auspices of Ohio State and Duke, UW-Madison professors are investigating smart foodsheds and digital agriculture projects within ICICLE, developing new AI tools & techniques for wireless networks in AI-EDGE, and improving edge computing and next-gen networks at Athena. Watch out for new blood as well. In February 2024, the university announced it was expecting to hire 50 new faculty in AI-related disciplines through the Research, Innovation and Scholarly Excellence (RISE) Initiative.
17Northeastern University – Boston, MA
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (MSAI)
- Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Applied Machine Intelligence – Boston
- Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Applied Machine Intelligence – Portland
- Online Master of Professional Science (MPS) in Applied Machine Intelligence
- Master of Science in Robotics (MSR)
Program Summary
Heads up for those who love sea breezes—Northeastern’s interdisciplinary MSAI is available in Boston, Silicon Valley, and Portland (Maine). This balanced program from the Khoury College of Computer Sciences begins with five foundational courses in artificial intelligence, programming & algorithms, ML, and interaction. After that, you can select two courses in an AI specialization (e.g. ML, Vision, Intelligent Interaction, etc.) and electives. We like the inclusion of a thesis or master’s project and we’re pleased to see a number of useful industry partners listed in the section on co-ops and internship opportunities (e.g. Google, HubSpot, Microsoft, Tesla, etc.).
Business-focused folks should compare the MSAI with the on-campus or Online MPS in Applied Machine Intelligence from the College of Professional Studies. (It’s important to point out for international readers that this degree is not F-1 Visa eligible.) In addition to covering introductory & advanced AI coursework, the MPS has the unique advantage of being part of Northeastern’s Experiential Network (XN). That means you’ll be actively working with industry partners on their relevant, real-world projects during classes. All MPS students select an artificial intelligence concentration in a corporate field (e.g. AI for Healthcare) and emerge with a portfolio of work samples.
What Makes Northeastern a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Thanks to the swirl of AI & robotics activity revolving around Boston’s technical Ivies, Northeastern is one of the strongest picks for folks in the New England area. Along with MIT, Harvard, and Tufts, the university is part of the NSF-supported AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions (IAIFI), which sits at the intersection of physics and AI. Khoury itself is home to plenty of labs & groups in artificial intelligence, including the NSF-funded National Deep Inference Fabric (NDIF) project. And 90+ Northeastern faculty members are contributing to the Institute for Experiential AI, with its focus on applied AI solutions (especially in health, life sciences, and climate & sustainability). Considering the MSR? Learn what’s happening at the Institute for Experiential Robotics before applying.
18University of Maryland-College Park – College Park, Maryland
Artificial Intelligence Programs
Program Summary
The University of Maryland’s Department of Computer Science has long offered a conventional two-year, on-campus MS in CS with a thesis or non-thesis option (e.g. scholarly paper). But now the university is starting to focus more intensely on AI. In April 2024, UMD announced the launch of the Artificial Intelligence Interdisciplinary Institute at Maryland (AIM), with deliberate plans to offer degree programs exclusively in artificial intelligence, including an MS and PhD. “Interdisciplinary” is a key term here. AIM is focused on the intersection of technology and applications.
In addition, those who live in the area have the option to consider the MS in Applied Machine Learning from UMD’s Science Academy. This graduate program is built to suit working professionals. Classes are primarily held in the evening; the plan of study is available in a part-time or full-time format; and no thesis is required. The core is concerned with ML, optimization, and data science, but you can supplement the curriculum with electives in areas like computer vision, deep learning, and robotics. Speaking of that subject, we wanted to flag up the MEng in Robotics, which has been endorsed by the ARM Institute.
What Makes Maryland a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Computer science students can first visit the Department’s section on AI & Robotics and explore the faculty profiles under each specialty (e.g. NLP). On a broader scale, AIM has provided a helpful list of AI-related UMD research communities, a number of which are supported by outside partners. College Park is only 30 minutes away from Washington DC, so put UMD on your shortlist if you’re interested in federal and government projects. For example, the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS), with its links to the Department of Defense, has an active interest in intelligent human-machine systems. UMD also has a lot going on in the realms of autonomous systems and robotics, with AI work being tackled at the GAMMA lab (e.g. embodied AI), the Center for Automotive Research (e.g. computer vision), ArtIAMAS, and the Maryland Robotics Center.
19Duke University – Durham, NC
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
- Master in Interdisciplinary Data Science (MIDS)
- Master of Science (MS) in Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) – Machine Learning & Big Data
- Master of Engineering (MEng) in Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) – Machine Learning & Big Data
- Online Master of Engineering Management (MEM) – Data Analytics and Machine Learning
- Master of Engineering (MEng) – Artificial Intelligence for Product Innovation
- Online Master of Engineering (MEng) – Artificial Intelligence for Product Innovation
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science (MS in MEMS) – AI for Materials
Program Summary
If you believe you have the academic credentials to be selected, consider Duke’s MSCS with a concentration in AI/ML. The degree plan is available in a course-only, research project, or thesis option. You’ll find the credits for the concentration listed in the MS Requirements section. The depth credits are what you might expect (e.g. ML algorithms, NLP, deep learning fundamentals), but you will have the option to choose an elective in an area of interest (e.g. computational biology, generative models, advanced topics in deep learning). What’s more, AI/ML students are required to complete an experiential portfolio of related activities. Think internships, mentoring, and TA roles.
Duke has also developed interdisciplinary graduate programs for professionals who wish to explore the intersection of machine learning and big data (see the MS in ECE and the MEng in ECE). Folks who pursue the ML track are expected to take courses in programming, data engineering, deep learning, and advanced ML. Plus there are degrees for engineers who are fascinated with building & designing new products and materials using AI tools. The online or on-campus MEng – AI for Product Innovation is focused on creating AI-powered software products. The one-year MS in MEMS – AI for Materials is preoccupied with the synergy between artificial intelligence and materials science.
What Makes Duke a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
Duke is a rock-solid choice for artificial intelligence, especially for folks aiming to find work in North Carolina’s Research Triangle. Start by exploring AI research areas & faculty profiles within the Department of Computer Science—in addition to hard-core technical subjects, Duke professors are also engaged in ideas around social good, social choice, and moral AI. You can then expand your reading to engineering initiatives such as the NSF AI Institute for Edge Computing – Athena and Duke Robotics. Or investigate potential industry projects. In 2023, Duke Health announced that it was pairing with Microsoft on a five-year partnership to support artificial intelligence applications in medicine, an effort that would include the creation of the Duke Health AI Innovation Lab and Center of Excellence. This was followed in 2024 by the start of a two-year collaboration with SAS.
20New York University – New York City, NY
Artificial Intelligence Programs
- Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) – Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Online Master of Science (MS) in Emerging Technologies – Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
- Master of Science in Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (MSBAi)
- Master of Science (MS) in Mechatronics and Robotics
Program Summary
Choosing an artificial intelligence program at NYU is going to be a straightforward process! Those who are keen to study theoretical concepts and specific technologies should opt for the on-campus MSCS and customize the plan of study with AI credits. You’ll be able to select relevant courses for the core requirements, electives and the capstone. You may even wish to include an internship. Those who can’t afford to live in NYC should apply for the highly flexible Online MS in Emerging Technologies with an ML/AI concentration—there’s a lot of crossover in the coursework with the MSCS. Your capstone experience will be in Advanced Machine Learning or AI for Games.
To give you the widest perspective on New York University’s offerings, we’ve listed some of the AI-adjacent options. For example, at NYU Stern, business types can explore the cohort-based MSBAi program, with its in-person class sessions, team-based capstone project, and blend of credits in analytics and AI applications. At the Tandon School of Engineering, engineers will be in clover with the MS in Mechatronics and Robotics. NYU even has a helpful list of AI-relevant graduate programs, including PhD opportunities, that may apply to your career situation.
What Makes NYU a Great Artificial Intelligence School?
For more on New York University’s strengths in artificial intelligence, explore AI@NYU within the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (CIMS) and the Center for Data Science (CIDS). Then take a minute to investigate Tandon School of Engineering’s research section on Data Science / AI / Robotics. Urban AI is a massive area of interest at NYU. So too is the responsible use of technology. Like Columbia and Cornell, NYU is part of the Empire AI consortium, a partnership between seven New York research institutions to advance AI projects for the public good. In May 2024, it also announced the formation of a joint Korea/NYU Global AI Frontier Lab, led by NYU professors Yann LeCun, Meta’s Chief AI Scientist and “Godfather of Deep Learning,” and Kyunghyun Cho, Senior Director of Frontier Research at Genentech.
Best Master’s in AI Programs: #21-25
School | AI Programs | |
21. | Purdue University West Lafayette, IN |
Online MSAI – AI and Machine Learning Online MSAI – AI Management and Policy MS in Robotics Online MS in Robotics MSE in Robotics Online MSE in Robotics |
22. | Texas A&M University College Station, TX |
MS in Computer Science (MSCS) Master of Computer Science (MCS) Online Master of Computer Science (MCS) |
23. | Northwestern University Evanston, IL |
MS in Artificial Intelligence (MSAI) MS in Machine Learning and Data Science Online MS in Data Science (MSDS) – AI Hybrid Accelerated MS in Data Science (MSDS) – AI MS in Robotics |
24. | Princeton University Princeton, NJ |
Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) Master of Engineering (MEng) |
25. | University of California Irvine Irvine, CA |
MS in Computer Science (MS in CS) Master of Computer Science (MCS) |
AI Rankings Methodology
The MastersInAI.org team considered many factors when putting together our rankings of the nation’s best AI schools. A few of these considerations include:
- Consistency: An important feature of our rankings is the preference for consistency. We try not to highlight schools that excel in only one area of artificial intelligence. Instead, our methodology rewards schools that perform well across the board in computer science and engineering. This allows us to feature well-rounded schools with quality AI degrees.
- Research Standing: Our rankings factor in each school’s AI research activity. For example, we considered the number of publications from faculty in AI, machine learning, NLP, and related areas. That’s one of the reasons why research universities like Berkeley, Stanford, and Carnegie Mellon had a slight edge over other institutions.
- Earnings & Completions: We gave an additional boost to schools that performed well in program completion rates and earnings after graduation. This gave us metrics for your return on investment (ROI). For example, although UCLA may not have the same research standing as a university like Stanford, graduates are earning almost $180,000 per annum after 2-3 years of being in the workplace.
- Outside Awards and Reputation: We also considered the recognition that schools receive for their programs and academic departments. For example, we incorporated US News rankings in AI and core subjects like computer science and statistics into our calculations.
In reviewing the list of the top 25, we took note of what makes each finalist a great artificial intelligence school. This includes the specific programs offered, academic research in AI and machine learning, AI scholarship opportunities, and partnerships with notable companies in the field. Although our top schools track closely with their volume of research output in AI, we were just as impressed with the innovative design of their programs and their connections to industry.
Don’t be concerned if your school, or a school you’re interested in, does not appear on this list. It is simply a starting point for your research. There are many more than 25 great AI programs, and we encourage you to explore all of your options.
How Do Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Programs Work?
Master’s in Artificial Intelligence programs are similar to most other master’s programs for the number of courses required and time required to complete the program. Most require 10 courses and take 12 months to 24 months to complete. Some programs are more structured, with new students starting in certain semesters like fall and spring. Other programs allow enrollment on a rolling basis.
Skills You’ll Gain in an AI Program
To graduate with a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence degree, you must demonstrate both theoretical and practical skills in artificial intelligence. In the best programs, you will graduate with a portfolio of projects completed with these skills. Artificial intelligence requires excellent algorithm design, coding, and data analysis.
Broadly, a Master’s of Artificial Intelligence enables you to produce applications capable of autonomous decision-making. Some concentrations and courses focus on specific applications in artificial intelligence, such as robotics, financial technology, and eCommerce. For example, Northeastern’s MS in AI expects you to develop skills in machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and human-computer interaction.
The program links in our rankings will have a list of course titles, but more detailed course descriptions will be listed in the university’s Graduate Catalog and/or the program handbook. These descriptions will outline the skill sets that each course covers. Pay attention to the faculty member who’s giving the course. If they are on the cutting edge of their field, then the skill sets should be up-to-date.
Graduate AI Curriculum
A Master’s in Artificial Intelligence usually has one to four required courses focusing on artificial intelligence, statistical analysis, and software development. The additional courses are graduate-level computer science courses. Typically, only one or two may be unrelated to artificial intelligence.
Because artificial intelligence requires the sophisticated application of complex concepts to advanced problems, most programs require either a thesis or a capstone project. Many programs, like Carnegie Mellon’s MSAII, require students to work in teams on this project. Universities typically allow students to choose between the thesis or capstone project.
Some universities offer unique options. For example, Northwestern’s MSAI has two tracks: a traditional, 15-month track and a 12-month program that combines a capstone project and an internship with industry partners. Boston’s MS in AI is also unique because it only requires eight courses and can be completed in just two semesters.
Master’s in AI Admissions and Requirements
Skills and Prerequisites
Master’s of Artificial Intelligence programs require applicants to have completed several courses fundamental to artificial intelligence. For example, Johns Hopkins’s Online MSAI has the following prerequisites: three semesters of calculus, one semester of linear algebra, one semester of probability and statistics, a semester of fundamental programming, and a semester of advanced programming concepts.
Accredited computer science programs may have a higher threshold of prerequisites than master of science in artificial intelligence programs, but you should check each program for specific details. For example, at Johns Hopkins, you can apply to be admitted to the Online MSAI on a provisional basis while you complete any necessary prerequisites.
Admissions Requirements
Most universities require a strong GPA in a STEM-related degree and at least a 2.75 or 3.0 GPA. This is the lowest threshold. Competition for places at top-tier research universities like Stanford will be fierce, and many candidates have a 3.5+ GPA. If your GPA is on the lower side, emphasize other strengths as much as possible (e.g. relevant work experience & internships, employer recommendations, GRE scores, research work, etc.). Universities will look at the whole picture.
Computer Science and Statistics bachelor’s degrees are preferred, but not necessarily required in some of the newer AI offerings. Check each degree link for details. Many programs do not require a GRE test score, but you may be able to take the exam in order to improve your admission chances.
Moreover, many Master’s of Artificial Intelligence programs require a statement of interest explaining why you are applying to the program and any specialized experience relevant to the degree. The statement of interest is your opportunity to show you are qualified for the program.
The Role of Ethics in AI Degree Programs
Ethics is important to artificial intelligence programs because artificial intelligence deeply affects society in several ways. First, artificial intelligence could lead to data security and privacy violations. Artificial intelligence is used to automatically collect data about people, perhaps without their knowledge or permission.
Second, artificial intelligence sometimes involves inherent biases and discrimination. The applications analyze data and develop models based on the data. If the data is biased, then the artificial intelligence program will discriminate based on the bias. For example, automatic sentencing applications are often biased because the historical data for prison sentences is biased against persons of color.
Third, artificial intelligence has proven capable of deeply influencing the population at large. For example, search results that are tailored to a user’s search history and other online data will result in them only reconfirming their biases, and ultimately progressing to an extreme view. If their initial impressions are wrong, they will continue to reaffirm those incorrect views because their search results will never return an alternative perspective.
Master’s in Artificial Intelligence FAQ
Why are MIT and Harvard Missing from Your Rankings?
When we first ran the calculations for our Best Master’s in AI rankings, MIT appeared at #5 and Harvard at #24. These are top-tier research universities located in New England’s hub of technical innovation. So why aren’t they featured in our profiles?
We decided to exclude MIT because the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science does not offer a terminal master’s degree in an artificial intelligence field. The Master of Engineering (MEng) is only open to MIT EECS undergraduates and the Master of Science (SM) is only earned in progression to a PhD. Unlike Berkeley, there is no online alternative.
We excluded Harvard University because the only relevant MSCS program we identified was being offered by the Harvard Extension School. If Harvard is on your list, you may wish to investigate the Master’s in Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) and the Master of Science in Data Science from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).
What is a Terminal Master’s Degree?
A terminal master’s degree is meant to be the end of your education—it’s not intended to prepare you for a doctorate. (The classic example of a terminal degree is the MBA.) In cases when universities are offering a choice between a Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) in Artificial Intelligence and a Master of Engineering (MEng) in Computer Science in Artificial Intelligence, the MEng will be the terminal degree.
What is a Professional Master’s Degree?
A professional master’s degree is typically designed for working professionals who would like to earn an industry-focused qualification. To that end, universities try to ensure that the program can be completed on a part-time basis and coursework contains real-world experiences & applications. Many professional master’s programs in artificial intelligence culminate in a capstone project. Some even include opportunities for internships.
Why Do Master’s Programs in Computer Science Have a Breadth Requirement?
You’ll spot a number of MSCS programs in our rankings that have a mandatory breadth requirement. For instance, in Columbia’s MSCS, you must complete four courses in systems, theory, and AI & applications before you can specialize in a topic of interest. Taking breadth credits means you will graduate with a firm understanding of fundamental concepts and expertise in a variety of research topics and methods.
If you feel you already have that knowledge, or you’re less interested in research and theory, then prioritize programs that are expressly concerned with artificial intelligence applications. There are plenty of choices in our rankings!
Should I Opt for an Expensive AI Program from a Top School?
This is a perennial debate on discussion threads. There some who loudly argue that a low-cost online master’s degree from UT Austin or UIUC is a much better investment than an expensive on-campus program in artificial intelligence. But there are also alumni who say that a prestigious research program will open doors to top-paying jobs for the rest of your career.
The answer is going to depend on your individual circumstances. For example, we wouldn’t recommend applying to a research-focused MSCS just because of the name. For that kind of degree, you should be in love with a particular area of artificial intelligence, closely aligned with faculty work that’s being done in the labs, and excited about working on projects with the university’s industry partners (e.g. Michigan and automotive companies).
In contrast, if you’re in discussions with your current employer about advancing your career and upping your technical game, an affordable online program that focuses on current AI skills and applications may be a much better choice. None of the universities in our rankings are mediocre! You may even be able to persuade your employer to assist with tuition.
As ever, we suggest speaking to recent alumni once you have created a shortlist of 3-4 schools. They will provide you with perspectives on the value of their qualification in the marketplace.